To me, my art is about nailing the subject. How this may be achieved is a challenge that shapes my view of the world through close observation of daily life. A fleeting glimpse that epitomises a subject close to my heart often sparks an idea that is structured by associated subjects and rapidly resolves into the overall feel of a painting.
I sometimes find myself unconsciously regarding a mountain range, city layout or perhaps some people as if from different viewpoints. I then automatically build a variable three-dimensional image in my mind and store it there for future reference. Those around me at the time often observe this as daydreaming.
Take the idea of a river, for example – its long journey and the life it holds. My interest may be aroused by seeing autumn leaves swirling downstream and out of sight, or noticing sunlight flashing on swift water. Outside my frame of view, though, there may be a kid sitting on a big rock on one side and shadows of salmon on the other and this speaks of clean water and changing lives.
These things, however fleeting, remain with me in my mind, their presence shaping what will hopefully be a strong painting. The composition, colour and motion, when formed on canvas are very much a part of me through the experience of being there. And if in the end this is passed onto others, the work, for me, has succeeded.